Monday, February 23, 2009

Raising "Awareness" of "Stuff White People Like"

I am not generally one to write a book review. Especially considering my piece from two weeks ago regarding the excessiveness of assigned readings for college students, it may be difficult to even imagine that I would find time to read for pleasure on my own. Still, I make an effort, and recently I have found one book that seems to clearly capture the lifestyle of many college students, professors, professionals, and other associated intelligetnsia across the country.
Christian Lander's "Stuff White People Like" is a humorous yet spot-on critique of things enjoyed by the "right kind of white people." Throughought the book, Lander gives thorough explainations as to why white people enjoy things such as Apple products, Che Guevera, New Balance sneakers, the Daily Show/Colbert Report, performance outerwear, brunch, and threatening to move to Canada.
Lander writes that white people are in love with the concept of "awareness" (of social problems and global crises) because "you can raise awareness through expensive dinners, parties, marathons, T-shirts, fashion shows, concerts, and bracelets. In other words, white people just have to keep doing stuff they like, except that now they can feel better about making a difference."
While I read the book in essentially one sitting and found myself amused and often left saying either "I do that," or mostly "People I see all the time on my way to Northampton do that," I discovered that Lander maintains a blog at While the book itself is definately worth buying and reading, the blog also has more interesting white people-isms tht will make us all more conscious about the diverse things adored by people of the Caucasian persuasion.

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